The Wonderful World of Arts - Ordinary People, Ordinary Day


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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Wonderful World of Arts

They say that an art tells many stories and indeed it does. James Coleman Prints for example shows the staggering paintings from Disney which dates back as old as 1969. It recalls a lot of memories of the days of early Disney and the wonderful stories of Snow White, Winnie the Pooh and others.

During the time of the Renaissance, art has been at the center piece of civilization where it has been the hallmark of architecture and invention.

In the modern world, art has been an expression of the inner being of people. It has been a way for those than cannot express vocally to convey their inner feelings and thoughts.

Most artists are said to be shy and not very engaging in conversation for they spend a lot of time with their pencil, pastel, color and canvass. Surprisingly when they come out with their outwork it would become the most engaging subject of every conversation.

Juan Luna's "Spolarium" tells the hardship of the Filipinos from the Spaniards during the time of their occupation. More than that it delivers a worldwide resounding protest against slavery.

Da Vinci's "Monalisa" portrayed the perfectness of the smile of a woman and up to this day the term, Monalisa Smile was regarded as a compliment.

Many of the modern artists are engaged with arts which depicts the current status or reality of their environment. From the more vocal to the very abstract work you can see the variety of emotions and expressions being conveyed.

I know of a young artists which is so engages in her artwork that I used to call her an own. She sleeps during the day and works at night but mind you she has one of the greatest hand I have seen so far.

Being an artists is not an ordinary task thus finding a great artists is a rare occurrence. The world in which the artists dwells is yet again another world that is in itself extraordinary, profound, colorful and unique.

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