"I struggled for nine years but all the while I give a smile to inspire others."
Nine years ago, I am separated from my 3 kids. I had to endure the loneliness and sorrow of being away from the very people that I love the most. For nine years, I dream of being with them once again. For nine long years I dream of that one day where we will all be together once again.
Jr. was just 3 years old when I was separated from them, Dara was 4 and JD was 5. I did not see most of the first things that happen in their life. I was not there during their first day at school when they enter Elementary and I was not even there when Jr and Dara graduated. I missed their first communion and missed to congratulate them with every great ahievement that they have.
Most of my friends and thoxe that knew me tught that I was always happy. Well, I cannot blame them because I am always the person that will crack a joke and will cheer people up. I am seen most o the time as a carefree person but deep inside that personality is a heart that craves for that one day where we will all be together again.
I attempted many times to unite them but it seems the time had not come for that moment. I was happy and thankful when Mei finally allowed me to have JD with us. It was a great moment the very first day that I am finally with my eldest son. Finally, I can see his smile and I can guide him and show him how proud I am to have him as a son.
It was however not enough for I still have two children that I miss so much. Finally, I made a promise to Jr, that when he enters high school I will make sure that the three of them will finally be together.
Then, come this year, 2012. It was the year in which Jr and Dara will be entering high school. I was not yet prepared and I am not ready for the task. However, because of circumstances and because of things that had happened, it seems that someone more powerful than all of us made the way in order for this dream to come true.
Without a single penny on hand, I decided to realize that ream nine years ago. I need to first ind a house and I am thankful to Mean for helping me. Then, the next step was to find a money to use as downpayment. I risk asking help in my work and I have to endure things before finally help was given. With the house now ready, I have to have things inside the house so that it would be usable. WIth Eleazar helping me out and with a credit from Ayze and Oni, I was able to buy things as a startup. Finally there is a bed, cooking tools and kitchen utensils and a few other things.
Ele had been someone that had been there during the fulfillment of this dream and I am thankful to him. Then, the next step was enrolling them in a high school. Rizal High School enrollment was already finished specially for 3rd year while or 1st year I cannot be there personally to enroll them beause of school. Another problem is the fact that only residents of Pasig City can be enrolled in the school. I asked the help of Mean and Jay to help me out and luckily they were finally enrolled/ It was also a blessing that they were at least on the good sections.
Then, finally on May 29 we are finally together. I pick them up at SM North and we travelled to our new home in Pasig City. They have lots of things and we don't even have a cabinet to put them in. It was not after a month that we finally bought one.
At first, I was afraid that they would say a lot of things. Our house has no table and we have to eat on the floor. However, to my surprise it was not their concern because they told me that what was important is that we are finally together.
It had now been 4 months since we had been together and I have to endure each day like a challenge. How to budget the salary from my work considering that I have to pay house rent, electricity and water and then I also have to give them a daily allowance at school plus their projects. There are times when I only have P50 on my wallet and then there will be good people and blessings that would come my way. I would win in a cosplay competition or someone would lend me money to help me out.
My children was understanding enough whenever money would not be enough to pay for things that they need. Our food was most of the time simple but we get through life one day at a time. We are happy together. Our house become a home for besides my 3 kids I also have with us two great friends Eleazar and Justin. I know they are not perfect friends and I have a lot of comments as well but I know that friends like them are extremely rare.
I am thankful for people who had been there for me in my life, those that inspired me and help me out, People like Mei, Eleazar, Justin, Ira, Ayze, Oni, Ranne, Mico, Mean, Kit, Allen, Aileen, Jay and a lot of other people are simply a blessing to me. I would not be with my kids if not for the help of these people plus my family from Brotherhood of Destiny (BROOD) and Naruto Cosplayers PH (NCPH).
The daily struggle of like continues but at least now I have my 3 kids with me. There are days when I am thinking of what to do because my wallet is empty but I know that with faith in God and with people whom I can trust I can always get by
This is a dream that became a reality because it was made real together with others and with utmost faith, trust and patience.
This I share with you because I want to tell everyone that no matter how difficult life is, dreams do come true and life can get better.
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