Santa Claus, St. Nicholas and Jesus Christ - Ordinary People, Ordinary Day


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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santa Claus, St. Nicholas and Jesus Christ

This year I came across a new about NORAD or North American Aerospace Defense Command about their efforts to track Santa for more than 50 years. I have browsed the site and look at the videos which for me are obviously CG or Computer Generated Animated images of Santa Claus. Though the news really makes it appear as true and factual. I also hope that Santa Claus also offers free torrents of great movies and stuff.

So what does Santa Claus, St. Nicholas and Jesus Christ have in common?

North Pole, Arctic, Village - takes off from runway

Santa Claus gives gift every year. He is surprisingly more popular than Jesus Christ and even St. Nicholas. Santa had been a universal symbol of the holiday season across all religions but he is never the real reason why we are celebrating Christmas.

Saint Nicholas is the canonical and most popular name for Nicholas of Myra, a saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus, whose English name comes from the Dutch Sinterklaas.

Jesus Christ is the main reason we have Christmas. He is the savior and messiah that was foretold in the Bible. He had save us from sin and had given us the greatest gift of a chance for everlasting life. Jesus gives hope to everyone and shares what he has to others.

Jesus, St. Nicholas and Santa Claus are all images of humility, selflessness and sharing what they have for others. They gave immense sacrifice just to let others be happy.

This season and in the New Year and in everyday to come let us live by the through message of the season which is love, giving and caring for others.

Whether Santa Claus is true or not we know for sure that he evokes the symbol for everyone regardless of religion.

Plus always remember not to use XMAS because by doing that we removes CHRIST in Christmas. Let Christ be always in our Christmas and in our hearts.

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