Ultimate Fitness Diary Day 1: The First Workout - Ordinary People, Ordinary Day


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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ultimate Fitness Diary Day 1: The First Workout

The Stability Ball and Vertical Vibe, Renegade plus weights at Sky Fitness Manila
Ultimate Fitness Diary Day 1: January 26, 2012, The First Workout - Now that the assessment is done, the first thing to do is start with the program to correct my posture and work on the goals that I need to meet.  Aldy Afuang of Sky Fitness Manila was the trainer assigned to help me achieve my goals.  This is the first day of workout that I can assure you made results and I felt it.  My son even noticed the results and imagine that's just one workout.

I was to workout with a fellow blogger, Zheyme of "Taste of Goodness."  We were first introduced to the FOAM ROLLER (I hope I go that right).  This one as the name implies is a rolled foam which is used to aid you in untangling the stiffness of your muscles and aids proper circulation.  At least that is how I felt it and see the procedure.  My calf muscles was very stiff and when I used the foam roller on that it hurts a lot specially the one on the right leg.  The foam roller is also used for a bit of sit ups for the abs, one of the goals I have this year.
Raymond Gorospe, General Manager of Sky Fitness Manila enjoying a brief chat with fellow bloggers

Next that was introduced is the STABILITY BALL.  This one is a large ball which is very flexible and can be used for various purposes.  I did some push-ups using the Stability Ball and it was indeed very effective.  You can readily feel the tensions in your muscles and the effects of this one.  The Stability Ball can be used on various other exercises.  It looks very simple but it is one of the most effective tools at Sky Fitness Manila.

Next that was introduced to us was the VERTICAL VIBE.  The Vertical Vibe is a machine where the surface vibrates.  These purpose of this vibration is to spread the workout energy into your whole body.  I was asked to do some feet exercise for my legs using the up and down pattern where I have to place one feet on the equipment and then go down again.  The next pattern was the same but this time with weights on both hands.

The latest equipment at Sky Fitness Manila which we were the first one to use is the RIP 60.  This one is composed of a rope and a pulley which moves.  There are also anchors which can be used by both your legs and arms.  I made a sort of push-ups using the Rip 60.  One where in the rope was low and the other was higher.  This one is the most difficult of all since it really triggered my sweat glands.


skyfitnessmanila-slamballsThe next workout is with a huge ball called SLAM BALL.  Well, the name itself shows the way how to use it.  All you have to do is slam the ball into the wall or on the ground with all your might and catch it.  I made two exercises with this one.  
  1. Throw the ball on the wall facing left and then catch it.  15 counts. and then after that face the other direction.
  2. A sit up where I have to lay down with the ball and then sit and throw the ball back to the trainer and then he will throw it back again and then I will lay down again.  The process repeats for 15 times.
I also used the KETTLEBELLS for my arm workout.  You just need to hold the Kettlebell up and then twist it down to your shoulder and then up again.  This will be done for 15 counts for both left and right shoulders.

I remember what Daphne told me that in every workout you have to do a WARM UP and a COOL DOWN exercise thus, I asked Aldy if what exercise would be best for the cool down exercise.  He introduced me to the GYM BIKE, at least that's what I can call it.


The GYM BIKE at Sky Fitness Manila can readily help you with your goal since it is 100% programmable. You can see your statistics as well as the level of workout you need.  You can also see the distance you have traveled and the calories that was burned.  Plus... if you are getting bored then why not watch cable television while exercising.  I programmed the bike for 10 minutes, level 1.

After all the workout, I head to my locker got my things and take a cold shower.  That was one great day to start a workout at Sky Fitness Manila.

Sky Fitness Manila shower rooms

Sky Fitness Manila lockers

Sky Fitness Manila wash sinks

The results?  Well the day after I can feel some good pain in my muscles and some big difference already.  I can judge this based on my gym experience before.  It means that the method and equipment used at Sky Fitness Manila is indeed very effective.

I plan to be back there and share again with you my DAY 2 experience this Monday.

REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY GET A FREE TRIAL AT SKY FITNESS MANILA.  All you have to do is CALL THEM NOW at telephone number (632) 478-2248 or mobile number: +639175897819 / +639175336696 and look for Raymond Gorospe, General Manager.

To know more about Sky Fitness Manila please do visit www.skyfitness.com.ph. They are also on Facebook at Sky Fitness Manila or via Twitter at :SkyFitnessPh.

Thanks for reading!


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