Ultimate Fitness Diary Day 2-3: The Sky Fitness Program - Ordinary People, Ordinary Day


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Ultimate Fitness Diary Day 2-3: The Sky Fitness Program


Ultimate Fitness Diary Day 2-3: January 31-February 1, 2012, The Sky Fitness Program - It was the continuation of my workout at Sky Fitness Manila and this time I am ready to execute a custom program which is fit for the goal I have.  I was not able to go the other day so I decided to go the next day which is Tuesday.  Aldy Afuang was the trainor assigned to make my program and I was excited to do it.

I would not be sharing the full details of the program since I know that these programs are a private matter to Sky Fitness Manila however, I would share some of the effects of the program.  The first activity which was introduced to me was the use of a golf ball to remove stress and muscle tightness on your foot.  All you have to do is press the ball against your foot and roll it over.  It was very effective and you can feel the pain due to the tightness of your muscles.

Next in my Sky Fitness Manila training program is the use of the FOAM ROLLER.  It is used for the thighs and back.  The foam roller serves to remove stiffness and tightness of muscles.  There were at least 4 exercise patterns that was introduced to me for my thighs and back.

After that will be the GYM BALL or the so called STABILITY BALL.  I used it to do some exercises for my abs and for my back as well.  It is very effective since the ball is a greater alternative for any equipment.  I can feel the pressure on my tummy and my back. 


Next in line is the KETTLE BELLS.  I used it for pushups since using this for pushups is well balanced and can step up the pressure for doing the exercise.  I also use it for the swing exercise which has effect on your lower back and arms.

After that is the RIP 60 for the leg press and leg raise.  I hope I did get that right.  The leg raise is the hardest exercise I have ever performed in my life.  I find it pretty hard to raise both of my legs 90 degrees.  It took me almost half an hour to complete a 15 count routine... that was really hard.

As a finale for the program I was asked to have a 15-minute cooldown threadmill exercise.  It was hard at first but I can see that doing threadmill is really very effective.  My complete workout from Sky Fitness Manila usually takes around 1-1 1/2 hours at most.

On the end I try to do some more additional body building exercise but then a trainor asked me if what my program is.  I replied that I am trying to build some of my muscles and he said that Sky Fitness uses a different approach and that is by making the body function the way it is and obtain optimum performance.

After the workout I head to the showers and take a fresh show.  I was really amazed with their setup and cleanliness.  The shower room was very simple and yet it is very complete.  Although I would say this place is for Class A and Upper B clients, I am honored and privilege to experience it and would recommend it to everyone as well.


The question that lingers on my mind as I leave Sky Fitness Manila today and which I would like to hear from you guys is, would you go to a gym to be fit or just to show off that you have muscles and abs?  Which do you prefer?

REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY GET A FREE TRIAL AT SKY FITNESS MANILA.  All you have to do is CALL THEM NOW at telephone number (632) 478-2248 or mobile number: +639175897819 / +639175336696 and look for Raymond Gorospe, General Manager.

To know more about Sky Fitness Manila please do visit www.skyfitness.com.ph. They are also on Facebook at Sky Fitness Manila or via Twitter at :SkyFitnessPh.

Thanks for reading!


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