Ultimate Fitness Diary Day 2-3: January 31-February 1, 2012, The Sky Fitness Program - It was the continuation of my workout at Sky Fitness Manila and this time I am ready to execute a custom program which is fit for the goal I have. I was not able to go the other day so I decided to go the next day which is Tuesday. Aldy Afuang was the trainor assigned to make my program and I was excited to do it.
Next in line is the KETTLE BELLS. I used it for pushups since using this for pushups is well balanced and can step up the pressure for doing the exercise. I also use it for the swing exercise which has effect on your lower back and arms.
The question that lingers on my mind as I leave Sky Fitness Manila today and which I would like to hear from you guys is, would you go to a gym to be fit or just to show off that you have muscles and abs? Which do you prefer?